meet the mods

Click on Mod icon to visit each mod's specific site.

Mod MakeshiftDust

Kinky bastard and gay af, MakeshiftDust is a BNHA multi-shipper and fanfic writer. He has written a variety of things ranging from fluff to darker content, including several Barbarian Bakugou pieces. He loves to collaborate, is staunchly pro ship, and has past mod experience, as well as having participated in numerous events for all different ships.

Mod Nani

Alorable (Nani) (30+) Bipolar. is a Dabihawks fanatic. Cares more about the molecular structure of lint than the pronouns used to identify them. Vocally proship. Collects Manga and anime figures. Writes a mixture of things mostly for the bnha fandom.

Mod Rose

Mod Rose does everything. You know in animes when the loud guy asks his secretary for random stuff, or assigns her a ton of impossible things and they're impossibly done, perfectly, random ingredient procured out of nowhere? That's Mod Rose. She may seem quiet, but she will be your biggest fan and the most supportive person you'll ever have the luck to meet.

Mod Renee

Mod Renee joined the event as a bilingual English/Spanish interpreter and translator, but she hopes to help out in the event in more ways in the future!! She's always been apart of fandom and fanfic but after rediscovering her love --frankly developing an unhealthy obsession-- during the pandemic, she's been enjoying and participating more in fandom spaces for whatever her current hyperfixation is.


  • Writer/Artist/Beta Sign Ups: Dec. 1st - Dec. 31st

  • Sketch submissions: Jan 16th-19th

  • Picture previews: Jan. 22nd-24th

  • Concept claims: Jan. 25th-27th

  • Pairs announced: Feb. 1st

  • Mini check-in: Feb. 11th-13th

  • Check-in 1:Feb. 25th-27th

  • Check-in 2: March 18th - 20th

  • Final Check-in: April 15th - 18th

  • Posting: April 20th


Q: What is a Reverse Bang, and how does it differ from a normal Bang?

A: In a regular bang writers submit a summary and then all of the artists claim their favorite. In a reverse bang artists submit a sketch, and then the writers claim their favorite pieces and write for them!

Q: Do you have any content restrictions?

A: No restrictions, and all content must be appropriately tagged. We don’t ban content, we tag it.

Q: Is this event 18+ Only?

A: Yes, many adult participants don’t feel comfortable interacting with minors, so the event is 18+.

Q: Are there any ship or character restrictions?

A: The main focus of your work must be Barbarian Bakugou. However, you can ship him with whomever you want or even write a gen fic without a ship. It also does not have to be a fantasy setting; Barbarian Bakugou can end up in the canon world for example, or you could make another AU entirely.

Q: Will this event be completely blind claims, or are you allowing contributors to sign up as both artist and writer?

A: We will allow participants to sign up as both artist and writer under the understanding that they are not to share information with writers about who is doing what art to keep the fun spirit of blind claims true.

Q: Will you be allowing contributors to post their own pieces with a designated hashtag/ @ to event twitter for you to retweet or will you be asking contributors to allow you to post their pieces for them?

A: All contributors will be posting their own works during the posting period and the event twitter will be retweeting to make sure it gets all the love and attention it deserves!

Q: Will you be using Discord for this Bang?

A: Yes. This event will be hosted in a discord server that is NSFW and dark content-friendly. You will be able to mute the channels you don’t want to see; it is your responsibility to curate your experience and we will not be spoilering content. If this is something you’re not comfortable with, you may participate in the event without joining the discord. However, you MUST have a reliable method of communication with the mods!

Requirements/ Sign-up


  • Writers must complete a piece with a minimum of 2k words. There is no maximum, however check in levels must be met.

  • Pieces can be prequels or sequels of already published works as long as they are a separate piece

  • If multi-chapter, first chapter must meet minimum requirement by final check in and commit to finishing the piece.

  • Sign ups closed


  • Artists must complete a piece to at least flats.

  • If doing completely rendered piece, check in expectations must be met with this in mind.

  • Sign ups closed